Welcome to Manila Christian Computer Institute for the Deaf College of Technology
Welcome to our official website, the first-ever recipient of the Apolinario Mabini Awards given in 2017. We have been online since 1997. This site is the 7th Edition. Established in 1993, our main goal is to assist the deaf in getting a better chance to compete for employment, education and other opportunities like every other citizen.
Sign Language
Classroom instructions are in Filipino Sign Language while written communication strictly follows the English grammar.
Christian Values
Bible-based values and Christian work ethics are taught for future deaf workers and entrepreneurs.
In-Campus or Online
ICT as well as sign language courses are offered in campus and online.
World Class
Deaf students won in local and international skills contests while our programs are recognized worldwide.
Why study at MCCID College?
The school aims to deliver an educational training program that is truly responsive to the needs of a greater number of people, based on Christian social values and work ethics. With this in mind, we offer a competitive advantage to deaf learners such as:
Campus Conducive for Learning
Our San Mateo, Rizal campus sits on a cool 6000 sq.m. rolling hills and is free from pollution and traffic.
Sports and Recreational Activities
Our sports facilities include full-court sized basketball court, dart, table tennis and a recreational swimming pool.
Deaf-friendly Manuals and Free Wi-Fi
Computer Training Manuals and exercises are especially designed for the deaf. Free wi-fi access are available within campus.
Job Assistance and Recommendation
Training recommendation and job placement assistance are given to qualified deaf graduates and trainees.
Latest News
M C C I D in Numbers
Look at what we have accomplished since 1993!
554Deaf Students Graduated
12International and Local Deaf IT Champions
355Graduates Gainfully Employed
42Trainings Conducted Outside Campus
M C C I D in Numbers
Look at what we have accomplished since 1993!
554Deaf Students Graduated
12International and Local Deaf IT Champions
355Graduates Gainfully Employed
42Trainings Conducted Outside Campus
Try one of our online courses for FREE!
Have you ever met a deaf person for the first time and do not know how to communicate with him/her? Or do you really like to make friends with them and feel awkward that they may not understand you? Then, enroll in our ONLINE DEAF SENSITIVITY TRAINING COURSE. This FREE two-hour training helps you better understand and become more aware of how to deal with deaf people.
Where can you find us?
MCCID College of Technology is situated near the San Mateo, Rizal – Marikina border across Nangka River. The site overlooks the lush greenery surrounding Timberland Hotel on its east and scenic view of Marikina City to its west. Visit our Contact Us page to know the directions on how to get here.
FSL Android App Free Download
On your Android Mobile Smartphone, go to Google Playstore, search for Filipino Sign Language and click on this logo. You may also download the app in apk format by clicking on the button below.
Interesting Links
- Archive of Websites Designed by MCCID Students
- Directory of Deaf Entrepreneurs in the Philippines
- Directory of Deaf Related Web Pages in the Philippines
- Directory of Organizations for the Deaf in the Philippines
- Directory of Schools for the Deaf in the Philippines
- Filipino Deaf Comics
- Filipino Deaf Culture
- Filipino Deaf from the Eyes of a Hearing Person
- Filipino Sign Language of Computer Terms
- IT Education for the Deaf
- The Value of House Visits
- Philippine Laws on Disability
- Old MCCID Online Website
MCCID YouTube Channel
MCCID FSL Font Free Download

Learn Sign Language through your keyboard. Download the first ever Filipino Sign Language Font designed by MCCID College for FREE! Click on the button below to download the Version 2 font. Go to this website for instructions on how to install it. You may also download the font in
Please like our official MCCID FSL Font Facebook Page!