About this course
Hello there!!! Since you are already here, we are very sure that you are interested in learning sign language. You have come to the right place! We at Manila Christian Computer Institute for the Deaf have been teaching sign language since 1993. We are also one of the first schools in the Philippines that believed and recognized the existence of unique Filipino Sign Language (FSL). We aggressively promote the use of FSL and included it together with Deaf Culture as part of our curriculum.
At MCCID, we have been offering the traditional way of teaching sign language, through CLASSROOM SETTING. You can come to our school campus and enroll in our sign language classes. However, we have another way for you to learn.
Online Sign Language Tutorial is an entirely new approach to learning a new language. In this method, you will be taught IN REAL TIME!!! We will be making use of the latest technology through a live video call. What's more exciting about this is that you will be taught by the same people who own and naturally use the language, the Filipino DEAF!!!
Why online?
Learning sign language online will be very convenient for you because,
- YOU WON'T NEED TO GO TO SCHOOL TO ATTEND CLASS! No more waiting for a ride. No more pollution. No more traffic.
- YOU CAN GO TO ONLINE CLASSES ANYWHERE YOU LIKE! You can learn sign language in the comfort of your home, in the office, in parks or malls, and even in your school!!! As long as there is a strong internet connection in your place, then you are good to go!
- YOU CAN CHOOSE A SCHEDULE THAT IS MOST CONVENIENT FOR YOU! A list of available dates will be emailed to you. You may choose a date and time that will be most comfortable for you.
- YOU WILL BE TAUGHT BY THE BEST TUTORS! Who would better teach you about sign language than the people who naturally use it? The deaf will be very glad to share their skills in communicating with you.
- YOU WILL SAVE MONEY!!! At a very minimal payment, you can enroll in sign language. If you factor in the cost of going to school and attending class, learning online will save you both time, effort, and money.
- Lastly, YOU WILL HELP THE DEAF EARN A LIVING. MCCID College strongly advocates for deaf equality. Sign language is their language. They are the ones who should benefit from it. A big part of the amount you pay will go to their service. MCCID will only get a portion to cover the facilities, administration, web service, and internet costs.
I am convinced. What are the things that I need to prepare?
This is online one-on-one training. Here are your basic requirements:
- Laptop, Personal Computer or a Smartphone with a strong and stable internet connection - We can conduct the online training using either your Windows or Android phone. A strong and stable internet connection is necessary so that there is smooth live video communication without lag.
- Selection of the Following Video Conferencing Online Tools:
TALKY VIDEO CHAT - This is our most preferred tool in our online live tutorial. No need to install any software or app on your PC or mobile phone. No signup or plugins are required. You only need an internet browser (Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox) to access by going to website and either create or join a chatroom. This is also a good choice especially for those who don't want to reveal their personal information unlike using Facebook. There is also no need to register to create an account. Click on this link for instructions on using Talky.
GOOGLE MEET - This is another alternative that we will use. However, you need to have an existing GMAIL account bundled with Google Calendar to use this. Click on this link for instructions on using Google Meet.
- Deaf Sensitivity Training Enrollment - Before you enroll in this course, we strongly advise that you enroll in our short Deaf Sensitivity Training Course as a prerequisite. In this course, you will understand and appreciate who they are and how they behave. If you love language, you should also love people. Did we also tell you that the course is FREE? Check out this course here.
What will I be learning in this course?
This is a one-on-one "Conversational Sign Language Online Tutorial". You will learn how to communicate with the deaf using commonly used polite expressions like "Hello", "What is your name?", "Good day" and many more. The complete Course Structure is listed below this page.
What is the duration of this course?
The one-on-one course tutorial duration is fifteen hours (15). An additional five (5) hours will be used for practices, examinations, and class extension due to unexpected events such as power failure or disconnection. So the total course duration is twenty (20) hours.
Will I receive a certificate after I completed the course?
Yes. MCCID College will award the official certificate of completion to the student. The signed certificate will be sent through the student's registered email in PDF format. Students who were not able to complete the course are not qualified to receive the certificate.
I am definitely convinced. How will I proceed?
Here is the detailed flowchart on how to enroll in this course.

Are there other things that I need to know?
Here are our House Rules that you need to understand before you continue:
- MCCID College strictly advises you to read our Terms of Use for Online Courses page before enrolling in any of our courses.
- Payments must be completed first before we proceed with the course.
- You can only choose from the list of available schedules. An extension of five hours can be accommodated should there be problems that may arise. You may suggest a schedule, not on the list that you feel will be convenient for you by emailing us at However, this is still subject to the availability of the tutor and facilities.
- Our deaf tutors will strictly conduct the online one-on-one tutorials INSIDE THE PREMISES of MCCID College Computer Laboratory only. NO TUTORIAL SERVICES WILL BE ALLOWED OUTSIDE THE COLLEGE PREMISES.
- Deaf tutors are NOT ALLOWED TO MAKE PERSONAL OR SOCIAL CONTACT WITH HIS/HER STUDENT outside the course unit structure. This is needed to protect the privacy of both the tutor and his/her student.
- MCCID Online Team or the deaf tutor will send you reminder messages through Google Calendar, email, and text messages.
Course Structure
- Introduction to The Course
- Fingerspelling and Numbers
- Sign Names
- Polite Expressions
- One-on-One Online Test